Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, My Reality, Self-publishing Tip of the Week, Writing Tip of the Week

Let’s Talk About Plagiarism

...because you know it's out there and happens more frequently than you could possibly realize. Plagiarism. It's a dirty little word, one that people frequently misspell and can't quite grasp its meaning. They ask, "Well, what is plagiarism exactly?" Really? I'll tell you exactly what plagiarism is.... Plagiarism is, in the scholarly realm, writing 3-4 words… Continue reading Let’s Talk About Plagiarism

Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, My Geekdom, My Reality

Are You Available?

...because we want to know, not for us, but y'know. So my boss is one of only two men in my small little help desk area, and he's a riot. If I can ever get the chance to record one of the conversations between him and my ex-neighbor in the back, I will share with… Continue reading Are You Available?

Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, Just Ink Press, My Geekdom, My Reality, Reading

Upcoming Event(s)

...because you KNOW I don't do these things for myself as an author or even publisher (yet). *gasp* An actual honest-to-goodness author event? Yes, my darling minions.....well, it's called Phoenix Comicon and it is the first weekend in June. Feel free to bring forth birthday tidings, and if they are of the food variety, let's… Continue reading Upcoming Event(s)

Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, My Geekdom, My Reality

Taking A Break

...because I've got nothing for you today. We've been busy the past week. Like, phones ringing off the damn hooks crazy busy. Like, I don't have time to write a My Geekdom post for today freakin' busy. Like, I'm typing this right now during a rare lull in calls insanely busy and I'm hoping I… Continue reading Taking A Break

Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, My Reality

Quittin’ Time

...also known as 'Jinxie is about to kill someone' time. I quit smoking on April 8, 2014. Why a Tuesday? Never start/stop something on a Monday. That day is bad enough as is. Anyway, it's been a couple of days upon writing this, but it'll be a week once this posts. I'm trying to be… Continue reading Quittin’ Time

Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, My Geekdom, My Reality

I’m Already Here

...so I can just change my contract, right? Friday, April 4th, I had an impromptu interview with the Director of my ginormous department because I had applied to have my contract changed to the full year one. Right now, I'm on the same schedule as the students, and that'd be great to have summers off… Continue reading I’m Already Here

Books, Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, Just Ink Press, My Dreams, My Reality, Sneak Peek, Writing

Sneak Peek: ASSASSIN, Take 3

The next night is Girls’ Night Out, and boy do I ever need it. Killian’s not happy that I’m running off with the girls, but he gets it. Sometimes, you just need a night out with your friends. Once the last gal—Lillian—climbs into our rented limo, we’re off, and I sigh heavily because my best… Continue reading Sneak Peek: ASSASSIN, Take 3