Jinxie's World

Updates and #Stuff

Hi. I thought I'd drop in to give a quick update as to what I've been up to lately. 🙂 Homework--it has buried me and I'm in the midst of Shakespeare's damn sonnets (which I actually do love) and mid-terms. I've already completed my Anthropology mid-term, but still have my English mid-term to take by… Continue reading Updates and #Stuff

Jinxie's Kitchen, Jinxie's World

Cooking Tips #10

  Today's cooking tip comes from Twitter friend Rachel Graves, who has a pretty wicked website here! Defrosting Meats Quickly Meat products will defrost wicked fast if you put them in a Ziploc bag and then in a bowl of warm water—ten minutes from rock solid to ice crystals for chicken breast; twenty minutes to… Continue reading Cooking Tips #10

Jinxie's World

The Nemesis Playlist

Most of this post was originally published on Derek Hawkins' blog Brain Drippings. When I first started writing Nemesis, and pretty much any book before it, I didn't listen to music like most writers do. I have ADD, so I'm distracted quite easily. I needed total solitude and mostly silence, so I sat outside on… Continue reading The Nemesis Playlist