Editing, Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, My Dreams, My Geekdom, My Reality, Writing

The Secret Life of Jinxie G, Part I

I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (the remake with Ben Stiller) last night and thought about how similar to Walter's life mine is. I mean, I’ve seen the movie before and knew then that I am oh-so-much like Walter Mitty, but in subtle ways I’m different. For instance, the fantasy at play within my… Continue reading The Secret Life of Jinxie G, Part I

Books, Jinxie's World, Just Ink Press, My Dreams, My Reality

I’ve Got Your D & G Right Here, Bitches!

Hey there Sinners and Saints, I know it’s been a while since I last posted. Unfortunately, this is the by-product of me finishing my degree. When I have two or more classes, practically everything else gets pushed aside, even my writing. Starting February 4th, I’ll be taking three classes and may or may not vanish… Continue reading I’ve Got Your D & G Right Here, Bitches!

Books, Jinxie's World, Just Ink Press, My Dreams

The Dracove is FREE Right now!

Minons! Just Ink Press and I have a special promotion going on right now! My vamp book The Dracove is FREE on Amazon from 1-1-2013 to 1-3-2013. Get your copy now by clicking on the link or book cover below. How much time do we really have before we die, and does immortality truly exist? The Dracove by NL Gervasio Kylie O’Rourke has… Continue reading The Dracove is FREE Right now!

Books, Jinxie's World, My Dreams

It’s a Happy Christmas & Book Release Day!

Kylie O’Rourke has unwittingly walked into the path of two vampyres—one who wants to use her as a sacrifice, and one who only wishes to win her heart. As she is pulled into their clandestine world, she learns more about her history and the reason behind her horrible nightmares. Master vampyre Cianán searches for the one woman who could take his immortality to the next level—godhood. But, when he finds his Chosen One, his progeny Grantlund stumbles onto the Master’s plan . . . again. As if losing his first sacrifice to the bastard wasn’t enough, the Fates were to torment him with a second time.

Jinxie's World, My Dreams, My Reality

The Vampyre Prophecy – Sample Chapter

I know, I'm a day late with this. I had work to do . . . both at work doing evaluation packets, and at home doing copy edits for Shannon Mayer. I can't wait for y'all to read her newest book because it ROCKS! Werewolves, vampires, and harpies, oh my! Anyway, back to MY book.… Continue reading The Vampyre Prophecy – Sample Chapter