Jinxie's Kitchen, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G

Spaghetti with a Kick

If you don't know, I've been house-sitting all week for a friend of mine who had to go to Texas. However, her youngest son, who was supposed to house sit for someone else, has been here off and on throughout the week. On Wednesday, I wasn't expecting him when I came home from doing some… Continue reading Spaghetti with a Kick

Jinxie's Kitchen, Jinxie's World


Today's guest post is from my darling cousin Lori, who's getting married on Halloween to the Rockstar she affectionately calls Future Husband on her awesome and hysterical blog that is full of hilarity Diary of a Rockstar's Girlfriend! This is the meal she made while she was here to visit our g-ma recently, and Oh.… Continue reading Carbonara!