Jinxie G, Jinxie's World, Jinxie_G, Life, My Geekdom, My Reality

Oh Monday, Monday




Yes, I know this is technically a My Geekdom post and today is Monday, but listen…

So my Monday consisted of waking up late, computers randomly restarting throughout the district, lack of inter-department communication, teachers not having enough access in their group policy to print, java randomly failing, and me not having any pain killers to dull my senses.

9a97ffa4e7db1cbdfc438cce44601406I’m going to go grab a beer.

1 thought on “Oh Monday, Monday”

  1. Please toss back a pint for me too. I’m on a 28 day plan of no liquor or caffeine. (its a girth thing… send beer and dark chocolate and nachos – and Mr Fillian with or without the pretty bonnet


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