Jinxie's World

Online Dating – Week ???

I’ve completely lost track of time now…and since I was gone for nearly two weeks, there hasn’t been much going on in the dating world for me. I did have dinner with Bachelor #5 the day after Thanksgiving, though. He’s a sweetheart and we have a scary amount of things in common. He’s also really tall. Y’all know that’s a huge plus!

To be honest, I wish I hadn’t signed up for 6 months on this site. I’ve come to the realization that I really don’t need to date…anyone. I’ve got too much going on in my life right now to put forth the effort into dating. Also? I’m considering moving in the spring…out of state. That might put a damper on things starting up here, don’t you think?

Where am I considering moving to? Somewhere on the east coast, possibly North Carolina. I have a lot of friends in that area, and up and down the coast. 🙂 We’ll see how things go this week, which will have a huge impact on the timing of everything.

Until then, I don’t have much else to say…

By the way, have you noticed that it’s snowing on my blog? *laughs* Cool, huh? Have a great week!

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