Jinxie_G, My Reality

Movie Tweet-a-thon!

Alright, I’m doing a movie tweet-a-thon on Twitter (obviously) on Thursday night, February 3rd, at 10 pm MST (because I live in AZ). Yes, I’ll be doing this from @TheZSC account. I need to pick a movie and that’s where you come in. Please only vote if you’re going to participate in the tweet-a-thon and watch it with me. Below is a list I just put out on Twitter. Choose wisely, place your vote in the comments, and I’ll tally it up before we begin.

Voting will close at 9 pm.

Your choices are:

Dead Snow

Paranormal Activity

My Name is Bruce

Werewolf Hunter

Demon Hunter

Dead and Deader

The Crazies

Dead Meat

Each movie is linked to their IMDB page so you can see what it’s about. They are ALL available on Netflix instant play. The hashtag we’ll use will be whatever movie is chosen.


13 thoughts on “Movie Tweet-a-thon!”

  1. I vote………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. not dead snow……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I would say the Crazies or My Name is Bruce.


  2. I can’t vote, because by the time you watch the movie, I’ll be discussing with my pillow the many reasons it’s imperative she help me fall asleep. But if I could, I’d say if nobody else wants to watch The Crazies, then go for our very own SPF’s Demon Hunter.

    I hope you guys have a frightful night.

    You know what I mean.



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